Feb 8, 2018

Multiple TiresSpring is a time for renewal. We let go of the cold, dark winter and prepare ourselves for outdoor adventures. Why not take the opportunity to show your car your gratitude for all its hard work during those brutal winter months? A spring checkup can help you discover any winter damage and prevent any new problems. Of course, if anything is really acting up, such as indicator lights going off, or you see a serious leak, take it to your friendly auto mechanic for a computerized diagnosis. In the meantime, these are four critical Spring automotive Tasks that we at Priority Toyota Chesapeake highly recommend.

Inspect Your Tires

It’s not an exaggeration to say that your life depends on your tires. A blowout can cause serious injury, even death. So, it’s imperative to check your tires often, and Spring is as good a time as any. Air pressure typically changes dramatically during a storm, and it also varies with the temperature outside. This impacts your tire pressure and causes it to go up or down. Take out your tire gauge and make sure the PSI is what is recommended on the print of the tire. Also, if you use studded tires for the winter, it obviously time to remove them and put on your regular tires.

Check Your Fluids

Spring is a good time to check all of the fluids in your vehicle to make sure there are no leaks, that the gaskets are secure, and that they’re filled to the recommended amount. This includes everything from your windshield wiper fluid, to the oil, coolant, and transmission fluid.  When was the last time you changed your oil? If you’ve driven 3,000 miles since then, it’s probably time. Always follow your car manufacturers instructions.

Examine Your Battery

Your battery and spark plugs provide power to your vehicle, and they have to work extra hard in cold temperatures. Wintertime stress can weaken their performance, so it’s a good idea to test your battery before it gives out altogether. A good rule-of-thumb is that if it’s more than a couple of years old, it probably needs replacing. You know It will be cheaper than having to call a tow truck in the future.

Clean Your Car Inside and Out

We often spring clean our house, so why not our car? Spring is the perfect time to get it looking and smelling all wonderful again. If you feel like splurging, take it to get detailed. If not, you’ll have to do it yourself. Start with a good wash and wax. Then thoroughly vacuum it inside and out. Lastly, toss out all the garbage and clean the cloth, leather, or vinyl seats, along with the dashboard and console. Before long, it’ll be looking shiny and new again.

Your car is a big investment. Typically, it’s one of the biggest investments of your lifetime. So, take good care of it so it will last longer. These essential Spring tasks will certainly help it have a nice long life.

Image via Pixaby by VenV