Oct 6, 2016

ways to monitor your teen's driving

As a parent, there’s nothing like getting to see your child grow up before your very eyes. This time comes with its ups and downs and its triumphs and follies, but nothing’s as scary as seeing your teen get behind the wheel on his or her own for the first time. Even if you’ve taught your teen everything you know, there’s still no substitute for experience. Use these tips to monitor your teen as he or she enjoys a new-found freedom.

1. Old-School Tips

If you’re worried that your adventurous teen is driving around more than you’d like, there are old-school ways to prevent any shenanigans. The easiest way is to check the odometer before your teen leaves home and check it again when he or she returns. This gives you a general idea if your teenager is heading out on excursions you don’t know about. You should also check the car for any remnants such as food wrappers, as you probably don’t want your teen scarfing down fast food while driving 80 mph on the interstate. You shouldn’t be overbearing or nosy, but these little steps go a long way to preserving responsibility and trust.

2. Plug-In Devices

Many new cars and insurance companies now offer plug-in technology that hooks up to the vehicle’s on-board computer. When enabled, these devices provide GPS location, braking information, and high speeds. When your teen returns home, you can use your smartphone, computer, or the car itself to see the information. Some of these devices also let you put a cap on high speeds. When the car reaches your limit, it will automatically apply the brakes to slow the car. Perhaps it’s a bit intrusive on your teen’s life, but it’s all about his or her well-being.

3. On-Board Cameras

In the past year, camera technology has improved immensely. It provides you with a way to record just about anything quickly and easily. Even on-board car cameras have become relatively cheap, providing you with a visual way to check your teen’s driving habits. For only a few hundred dollars you’ll have peace of mind. Plus, you can see if your teen is engaging in any habits you don’t find acceptable.

4. Apps

Smartphone apps are perhaps the easiest and cheapest way to monitor your teen’s driving habits. TxtShield is one of the newer apps on the market, and it’s an effective way to curb distractions. As soon as your teen’s car travels above 10 mph, TxtShield disables web browsing, texting, emailing, and calling. It costs only $1.99, and it’s available for both iOS and Android.

Another beneficial app is Allstate’s Drivewise, which tracks your driving. Because it’s monitored by Allstate, you’ll get cash back on your insurance policy when you meet certain specifications. Not only does it keep your teen safe, but it also puts money in your pocket.

In an ideal world, all teens would heed your advice and follow the rules of the road, but that’s just not the case. Fortunately, you have a variety of options to keep your teen safe behind the wheel.


Image via Flickr by State Farm