May 23, 2019

Car repairs | Priority Toyota ChesapeakeThe age-old question is this: Do I take my car to the local mechanic’s shop or the dealership for repairs and maintenance?

Though local garages can be convenient location-wise, dealerships are always the answer, whether you’re getting repairs or just a standard oil change. Here are a few reasons why you should always get your Toyota serviced at your Toyota dealership.

Toyota Specialists

Possibly the biggest advantage of getting your Toyota vehicle serviced at a dealership is that the technicians there specialize in your vehicle.

By becoming experts in servicing Toyotas, they avoid the Jack-of-all-trades syndrome many general mechanic shops may face. The technicians at good dealerships will often go through certification processes to ensure that they know exactly what to do to make sure your Toyota is running as smooth as possible. By taking your vehicle to a Toyota dealership, you’re making certain that it’s being taken care of by people who know their way around them.

Warranty Guarantee

If your Toyota is under still under warranty, you should exclusively take it to a dealership for any necessary repairs and routine maintenance. Being under warranty means that any repairs your Toyota needs will be free to you because Toyota is paying the dealership for the costs of those repairs.

Certain licenses are needed for a technician to be able to work on a Toyota under warranty. At a Toyota dealership, you don’t have to ask yourself whether or not your mechanic has these certifications.

Quality Parts

Another great advantage of taking your vehicle to a certified Toyota dealership is that they have access to original equipment parts. This means that they can replace any problem parts with brand-new Toyota-brand parts. At a mechanic’s garage, you may come out with a Frankenstein of different parts.

Getting repairs done with original Toyota parts can increase the health of your vehicle. Choose parts wisely by asking your Toyota technicians’ advice.


When you buy a Toyota vehicle from a dealership, that dealership should know that car inside and out. If you bring it back for a repair, they can use that information to better service your vehicle. By getting all your regularly scheduled maintenance work, such as oil changes, done at the dealership, they can keep an eye on the health of your vehicle through accessing their detailed records.

Better Facilities

Since dealerships have much bigger facilities than your average mechanic’s shop, you can generally expect a quicker turnaround time when you take in your vehicle. Since dealership facilities usually have more technicians than local shops, you can expect your Toyota to be serviced the way it’s supposed to be — with attentive care. When you take your vehicle to a dealership, you’re getting the best option out there by far.

We think the scale massively tips in favor of the dealership if you want your Toyota taken care the way it should be. At Priority Toyota Chesapeake, our number-one priority is you, and if you’re not satisfied, we’re not satisfied.

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