Aug 17, 2015

Brake Service in Chesapeake, VAAre you one of those drivers with a lead foot? Speeding is dangerous, but it also hurts your brakes when you have to slam on them in a dangerous situation.  Your brakes are critical to your safety and the safety of others on the road, so you should make sure to treat them with care.  If they malfunction or are not working properly, it can lead to a dangerous collision, plus they are costly to replace.  Take our tips for extending the life of your brakes:

Slow Down

 As we already mentioned, coming to a stop from a high speed is terrible for your brakes. Even a 10-mph difference in speed can make a huge difference when coming to a quick stop.  The motion of the vehicle creates kinetic energy, which is turned into heat by the brakes.  Less speed equals less energy and heat absorbed, which is better for their life. Follow the speed limits and gradually slow down instead of slamming on the brakes at a stop.

Don’t Follow the Leader

 Did you ever catch yourself hitting your brakes just because the driver in front of you did? It’s human nature, but we often follow the leader, and chances are the first driver had no good reason for hitting the brakes. Good news is that you can train yourself to simply coast when others brake for no reason, especially if you keep looking up ahead. This will save unnecessary wear and tear on the brakes.

Drop Extra Weight

 It’s time to clean out your vehicle and get rid of unnecessary items that are weighing you down. Take those golf clubs out of the trunk in the winter and don’t customize with heavy wheels and tires.  The heavier your car is, the harder your brakes have to work to stop, so the lighter the load, the longer your brakes will last.

If you think you’re having problems with your brakes, contact our service department to schedule an appointment today!


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