Aug 3, 2017

Car WashHow Often Should You Wax Your Vehicle?

It’s best to wax your vehicle once a quarter, or once every three months. One way to determine if it’s time to wax is to spray it with water. If the water doesn’t bead up, then it’s time to wax. If it does, then there’s no need to just yet.

If your car is regularly exposed to harsh conditions, such as rain or dirt, then it is advised that you wax more often. This is especially true for those who live in areas that receive a lot of snow in the winter months—not only is the snow causing wear to your car, but the salt on the roads can cause additional damage. By waxing your car, you are also protecting it from the sun’s harmful UV rays as well as the elements.

Before Waxing Your Car

Waxing cannot be rushed. First, wash the vehicle thoroughly with car wash soap and water to remove the dirt, bird droppings, and salt. Be sure rinse your washing mitt regularly in clean water to remove debris. If you don’t do this, you will end up scratching your vehicle.

After washing and rinsing your car, gently dry it with a microfiber towel to prevent water spots. After you think the vehicle is clean, run your hands over it to feel for any rough spots. Your vehicle should feel like glass prior to waxing, so if it doesn’t, you need to better clean those areas first.

Tips for Waxing Your Vehicle

Wax should be applied in a shaded area so that it doesn’t dry too quickly and become too difficult to remove. Also, don’t apply too much wax; a little goes a long way. Instead, apply a thin layer over your car in vertical or horizontal patterns, which will prevent swirls from appearing on the paint. Don’t force wax into crevices, as it will be incredibly difficult to remove. Once the wax is dry, gently buff it off with a microfiber towel.

How to Correct Waxing Mistakes

If your car has a hazy spots or streaks after waxing, it means the wax dried too quickly or was applied too thick. Luckily, this can be fixed relatively easily. To correct these areas, simply fill a spray bottle with distilled water and isopropyl alcohol and mist the problem spots. Wipe the area clean, then apply a thin layer of wax once again, and buff it clean. You can repeat this process to any trouble areas until you have a beautiful shine.

Keeping your car looking great doesn’t take much effort. Waxing goes a long way in protecting it and keeping it looking good for years to come.

Image via Pixabay