Jul 1, 2022

Car radiator | Priority Toyota Chesapeake in Chesapeake, VAYour car’s radiator keeps the components and engine cool to prevent overheating. When your Toyota 4Runner, Avalon, or Camry gets too hot, you may notice leaks, or you might see smoke – these are signs that your vehicle needs a radiator repair. You’ll want to schedule an appointment with Priority Toyota Chesapeake fast to avoid further damage to your investment. Below are some of the signs you should be aware of.

1. Your Car Is Overheating

When your car is constantly overheating, your radiator is likely to be the culprit. The radiator fan could be faulty if your vehicle overheats when driving slowly or idling. If your car gets too hot when you drive to work or the shop, there may be something wrong with the thermostat. Should your car overheat, pull over in a safe spot, and while you wait for the engine to cool down, feel free to give us a call for a service appointment.

2. Your Car Is Leaking Coolant

If you pull out of your garage or a parking space and see a bright yellow, orange, pink, or green puddle on the ground, that means your car is leaking coolant. You could also have a coolant leak if you have to top off the coolant more often than usual. If there is not enough coolant in your car to cool down all the moving parts, your car will overheat. It’s best to get your vehicle to your reliable dealership as soon as possible for repairs.

3. The Radiator Is Rusty

The last thing you want is a rusty radiator. Once rust sets in, it creates holes that cause leaks and contaminate the coolant. If you notice that the coolant has a brownish color, the rust from the radiator has contaminated it. Dirty coolant will become thick, resulting in this sludge clogging up the radiator, which in turn causes your car to overheat.

4. The Fins Are Clogged

The fins in front of the radiator carry hot coolant, and the air that flows through works to reduce the temperature. Dirt, insects, and leaves can clog up the fins. The fins are delicate, and high pressure from water as well as stones can also damage them. If the fins are unable to work properly, it will prevent cool air from flowing through, and your car will also overheat.

5. You See Smoke

If you notice smoke billowing out from under the hood or the tailpipe, it’s never a good sign. When your radiator is malfunctioning, it can’t perform the task of cooling, and your car will start to overheat. Smoke means it’s getting too hot under the hood, and white smoke from the tailpipe could indicate an internal coolant leak. Call your trusted dealership immediately and fix the radiator to avoid extensive damage to your engine and other components.

If your car regularly overheats, you notice a coolant leak, rust, or the radiator fins are clogged, schedule a radiator service at Priority Toyota of Chesapeake today. The qualified Toyota technicians will repair your radiator expertly and ensure your car’s overheating problems are a thing of the past!